Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thoughts From a Day in The CiTy

Today Jenna, some girls from church and I went and had a "girls only" day in Charlotte.  A day to tour antique malls, eat Chipotle food, frozen yogurt and delicious coffee, and the best of all tour  the Billy Graham Library.
Talk about overwhelmingly inspiring! Talk about a man used extensively for GOD, and all it took was a willing (young) heart to make one small decision to say "yes" to GOD. He chose to release his wants, hopes and desires for his life over to the Saviour of his soul, and follow Jesus to the ends of the earth. The same thing with his wife. She also chose at a young age to follow Jesus no matter the cost, to know Him like so few of us do.
As a young person I often wonder, ''how are my small, "microscopic" decisions affecting the calling GOD has on my life? I believe GOD created us for a specific purpose, a destiny to fulfil, so to speak. And the decisions we make affect that. How many life altering changes have I missed because I was not completely surrendered? How many people have I brushed shoulders with, people whose lives were to be impacted by me, yet never were.
We girls received a lot of questions today about our "strange" apparel, and I was reminded yet again of one of the reasons why I choose to look different from the world. One girl talked to us for a long time, held Cherish, googled Mennonites etc, all because we wear "black things" on our heads.
So my question is this; why is it sooooo hard to simply say "Yes LORD", when it is the simplest thing to do? And how can we become affective, radical, GOD used young people? What is the answer to living a life totally 100% GOD centred? A question that has been running through my mind lately is this; "is living a "GOD glorifying" life, a matter of how much one can get by with? Or how much one can give up?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Sarah...and I REALLY like this "Radical living" :)

    I am so tired of seeing halfhearted Christians. It makes me so sad to see how they don't take in to account what it really means to live a surrendered life. I am not saying I have it down, but God has been doing a work, showing me things (and it's rather scary, but amazing). I wonder what would happen if all the Christian youth that we know would walk in ALL the light that they have?
