Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The 3 "Angels From Asheville

  Yesterday I spent the day in Asheville "Choice Booking" with CC. It was fun wearing my Choice Books shirt with my name on it, looking all professional again. Yes I think I miss my old job sometimes. =)

 Anyhow, Asheville is not my favorite city. It seems thatin the areas we go it is often dirty, New Age-ish and the people are often cold, distant and they stare. Not your typical southerners. Also you get this feeling that there are more white supremicists than not.

 Well yesterday my experience was different. It stated out while I was standing in line for coffee at Ingles Starbucks cart. One of the barista's walked up and greeted me with enough cheer for the whole store, and the air of one determind to give you the best service possible. And the coffee was THE best Starbucks drink I have ever had. =)

 The next was this beautiful black girl at another Ingles. She didn't say anything to me in particular, but she was always smiling at the customers and venders she came in contact with. There was something about her that made you feel comfortable. And she thought CC was funny and was laughing at him behind his back, which of course made me laugh as well. =)

 The third, but not least was at yet another Ingles. We had just finished up and I headed to the van ahead of CC with the cart, and this older gentleman came over and offered to help me load it up in the van. He said he didn't want me to have to do it by myself. I smiled and thanked him just as CC came around the van and loaded it himself. You don't find many real gentleman these days, and when you do it is a precious thing.

 Lets just say that after encountering these 3 people, I felt like I could smile all day. These people blessed me so much and made my day brighter, all because they took just a moment to think of someone else. I want to remember that.

Just like I had a bad idea of Asheville because of so many of the people I have come in contact with, I don't want to give people a bad idea of Christ because of how I am to others. I want them to have a good idea of "Asheville" so to speak, because I took time ot of my day to make theirs special.

 Its amazing how far a smile, and a kind word will go to brighten someones day!!!

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