Monday, August 8, 2011

He Is Preparing Something....

The past week of my life has literally been one of the most life changing weeks I have ever encountered. So much so I don't even know how to express or explain it.
About a month ago I felt like I needed to start praying for my church and some weekend meetings that were coming up, and yet when I began to pray about it, it was like GOD told me to pray that He would meet me and fill me with His Spirit. All of the sudden I didn't even see my church as needing revival, I saw that I need the breath of GOD on my own heart and soul, and I realized in a greater way that I am the church (or a part of it), and that GOD has too work in me first. So I began to pray for GOD to fill me and nothing happened. I prayed all day long every day, often times crying as I begged GOD to fill me, yet nothing happened.Instead I became so week I could barely hold on. I was (am) so desperate for Him yet it seemed as though the more I begged Him to fill me the more of a failure I became in my walk with Him. Well the meetings came and guess what they were about? Your right, they were on being filled with the Holy Spirit and what the purpose of the Holy Spirit is. At this time I decided to go to a VBS in Lancaster and I knew that unless GOD filled me I would not be able to make a difference for Him because I would be filled with myself, and NOTHING HAPPENED. So I went empty and weary of begging. I knew that if GOD wanted to use me He would have to use me empty.
Well VBS was amazing, and did I get filled with the Holy Spirit? Well lets just say that my cup is full and I am begging GOD for that well, that stream and that river.
I am sharing all this to say that GOD is working. I see it. He is coming down and meeting us right where we are IN HIS TIME. I believe He did not give me all that I wanted because He sees so many areas in my life that need to be weeded out, and I know He sees areas in my life that will hinder the work of the Holy Spirit. But I know that He is perfecting and preparing me for something much bigger, as He is doing to each one of us. Never get frustrated with GOD because He isn't moving quite fast enough. Instead, open your heart to Him and expose all those ugly areas and allow Him to cleanse you from all the filthiness inside so that He can use you.
Our purpose on this earth is to bring GOD glory. That is what He created us for and yet we can't bring Him the glory He deserves unless we allow Him to purge us. Unless we are willing for Him to send those tough difficult times our way to refine our hearts and desires.
We must get on our knees and stay there, allowing GOD to put our hearts on trial.
If your heart was set before a judge, what would the verdict be?

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