Friday, July 8, 2011

Where is Etiquette?

Sometimes I like to allow my mind to wonder into the past...two hundred years ago when women wore long dresses with annoying hoop skirts and men wore powdered wigs and ruffles at their throats. A time where women knew how to be beautiful ladies and the men were every ounce of a gentlemen. In fact they were trained to be like that. A guy reciting poetry was every bit as manly as a guy roping cattle, and the women? They were about being graceful, dignified, beautiful every bit of a lady as possible. But when I come back to the present day I am appalled at what I see. Guys often don't hold the door for a lady or give her their seat. They don't carry her groceries and treat her as though she were the queen of England. Every where you go the guys are crude and foul. Even in our churches.
I was quite spoiled growing up. I lived a 1/4 mile from some mighty fine gentlemen. Their dad drilled into their heads that they treat a woman with respect at all times, no matter what. And the mother set the example of grace and dignity for her daughters, and for every woman and girl she came in contact with. I still say that I hope someday to have half the grace that she does. Anyhow, when I look around I see ungentlemanly guys and unladylike girls.
What happened to chivalry, dignity, honor, grace, respect etc?
A guy no longer writes the girl he wants to court, he texts her. The girl no longer plays hard to get, she texts the guy incessantly, exposing all that she is before he even has a chance to court her.
Maybe I am old fashioned but I hope that when my turn comes to marry, I marry a gentleman, and I hope that I am a lady inside and out. I hope we send each other long letters via snail mail, and that he courts me until I fall in love with him. I don't want to wake up one morning to a message on my phone saying; "hey I jst want u to know i rly like u n i was wondering if u'd go out w/me." Ahhhhhh......I think that would give me nightmares.
No it is time for us to grab a hold of the beauty of dignity, honor and respect. It is time for us girls to be every bit of ladies we possibly can. This world is made up of woman trying to act like men and men openly disrespecting women.
We are not animals, we are created in the image of GOD, that alone should make us want to be as dignified and respectful as possible.
I am determined to learn what it means to be a lady through and through, I mean my name does mean princess.


  1. SAY it, girl.
    "Where are the days of long, sappy love letters?" lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I couldn't agree more, Sarah. I didn't really grow up with that concept, but there was some thing in me that loved it when I first saw it.

    I never would have guessed how amazing it would be to marry a gentleman. Ted is a true gentleman. I've never seen anyone more so. Not even Mr. Darcy. =) It amazes me how much more of a lady I've become in response to him being a gentleman. Realizing the effect being around gentleman had on me, I wondered if it works the same way with men. Would they be gentlemen if we were ladies?

    Thank you for sharing. BTW... don't settle for less. There are true "old fashioned" gentlemen out there.

  4. We do need to learn these things! I hope to one day be married to a gentleman who in turn gets a lady for a wife. Thanks for sharing, dear!
