Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Love GOD?

"Jesus said to him; "You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind." Matt. 22:27

The last week or so the idea of true Christianity being summed up in one 'rule', of giving your ENTIRE life over to GOD regardless of the cost, has been running through my mind and heart....conviction me and showing me that just because I give GOD some things doesn't mean I live a surrendered life. In fact as of now I'll be the first to say I don't at this point in my journey. And so often I try to complicate 'surrender', and try to make it something I need a masters degree in before I can master it. But yet it is just simple obedience. Loving God will ALL my heart, soul and mind. Not just a little, but ALL. Its such a scary place to be because I there will be many things I'll have to do, and many things I'll have to give up. But how much more did He love me? He was willing to give EVERYTHING for  me. and no, it wasn't just the basics in life he asks from us, it was HIS very Life, and all I had to offer in return is my retched sin. That is what love is about. If HE can love me that much, how much more can I love HIM then I do right now?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Feels like you put alot of my jumbled thoughts and feelings into words! Keep pressing toward the mark.
