Tuesday, February 1, 2011

AnOtHeR bLoG!!!

So my old blog  decided not to cooperate with me any longer. I tend to have that problem after awhile. It must be my lack of  computer knowledge.
Well this new blog is not going to be a place I upload a lot of pictures. It will be more of a place for me to post thoughts and questions about what it takes to live a radical Christian life. I love to hear others view point on these matters and I hope you all will be willing to join in on the fun. :)
I am ready for something more in Christianity, something with substance and purpose. Something radical and Christ centered. Something different from the humanistic Christianity I find myself living.
Anyhow, this is supposed to be a "welcome post" to welcome you to my new world of blogging until this blog chooses to give up on me!
Until later, have a Christ filled day!


  1. Ooo, I LIKE! :) Your playlist took me a minute to get used to... lol

  2. The same kinds of thoughts have been chasing around inside my head.I am chosing to live a radical christian life. Sometimes the loneliness that might come with that kind of life scares me. Then I remember,He'll be my best friend. And anyway, it's not about me. It's all about Him.
    I'm really glad you are doing the blog.

  3. Jo Likes.. A lot. I love the focus being on Christ. I think that is evem more refreshing to Him than to us. =) Keep it up, gurl!

  4. I like this alot! I've been thinking a lot on the same lines! I wanna be a "radical" christian!

  5. Sari, girl, satan doesn't like things like this, but he knows that if he lays it out for us we won't listen. So he trys lulling us to sleep. Causing us to eventually end up in the same place we were...where he feels more comfortable. So, my dear, saying a prayer for you. The Power within you WILL prevail! <3s!

  6. I like it Sarah... I'm feeling a deep longing... I wish I could express it.

  7. Wow Sarah I like this... Its going to be interesting to see what comes out of this... Its just what iv been thinking about the last couple days....
