Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Defining Language

They say that the third time is the charm.
Twice I have started this post, twice I deleted it. It is as though I just can't seem to get out what I've been thinking. The right words just wont come...........

I guess I'll start with what has been running through my mind. I have been convicted about words. The words that I say, don't say, and even the words I think (you know those conversations you have in your mind with people you are upset with). Words define who you are. They inform the onlooker what is in  your heart. I have begun to wonder what my words say about me.........

I am from the west, and since I do not like the southern accent, I still sound like a westerner (except for the occasional 'ya'll'). In fact to me it doesnt even sound like I have an accent. But people can tell I am not from NC. Why? Because I don't talk like one. Fancy that!

When I go up to DC everyone can tell I grew up country and lived in a 'white' family (whom I adore, mind you). They can tell because I talk like it. My accent defines me.

Here in the south there are many variations of the southern accent. The upper class accent, the middle class accent, the redneck accent, and the black community has their own accent as well. Their accents define who they are/were, and they tell their history.

The same thing goes for the very words that I speak. They tell you a story. They tell you all about what kind of a woman I am.

The Bible says that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." And I believe that is very true. You are what you do or do not say.

Words not only define who I am, but they define the people I come in contact with. My words impact them for forever. My words can be the rudder on their ship that turns it right or wrong. It is my choice.

It is up to me to decide how my words will be used. For good? Or for evil? Will my words impact someone for good? Or not? I get to make that choice.

I also get to decide just how my words are going to define me as a follower of Jesus Christ! And I get to decide how my words are going to represent Christ to someone who's faith has failed.

They say that we are God's hands and feet, but we are also His mouth peice!

The tongue is the instrument that can change the world for either good or bad! And it's up to us.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Choose Praise find Freedom

"Choose praise, find freedom in Christ." That was the LBS theme this year and it really spoke to my heart.

This past week I heard so many stories of redemption, restoration and the romancing of Jesus. I heard about hard times, pain filled times and heartache. I also heard about forgiveness, healing and new life.

"Life is just hard, so get used to it." is something I heard so often growing up. But its so depressing and void of joy.

Joy? Yes joy. Joy in the sorrow, joy in the pain, joy in rejection, and even joy in the failure. It's there I promise.

I have watched people fall apart when things get tough. I have seen them turn against family, friends, church and even God himself. I see them not so much hurting others as they are themselves.

"Well how else am I supposed to cope when others hurt me?" is probably runnig through your mind. Well here is my theory;

God created each of us for a specific purpose. We each have specific asignments to do. And to do them well, we need to go through some rough waters. We have to learn lessons or deal with issues. Remember, we must go through "boot camp" to be able to accomplish the mission when it comes.

I often think about the fact that without pain there is no growth. Just a stunted midget that cant quite reach the place God has for them.

So instead of sitting around moping and feeling sorry for the hard things in life, let us like Paul & Silas praise God in our circumstances and I can guarantee you the freedom will come, and with that freedom comes the ability to be used by God.

Isn't that just awesome? I love that concept. And trust me, I have wasted too many years doing the very opposite. I've done the whole "poor me" ritual. But I have also seen what happens when I praise God for the tough things.

So praise Him in the pain, the hurt, the failures.....and freedom will come.

Pain is a good thing!