Ok so I think today must be; "#thankyourbirthmothers/adoptivemothers" day, and I want to get in on it too!!!!
Over 23 years ago a young single mom made a very hard decision. Probably the hardest she had ever had to make, and I believe it was the wisest. She chose to give her baby girl what she knew she couldn't, she chose to give her a life that not only provided material stability, but also spiritual. She chose for me to be in a home that taught me about Jesus Christ and all that He did for me, and that brings me to the other ''wise decision!'' My Foster parents. (for real, I have always been a Foster kid lol)
They were willing to go against the tide of they day do what ever it took to give 4 babies a life they could never have growing up in the environment they were born in. Even despite family discouragements, they raised and loved us as if we were their own biological children, teaching us the important things, along with the crazy things and creating memories that can only come with growing up in the country in the heart of Idaho. And no, we did not grow up on Idaho potatoes, we ate Washington potatoes, they're cheaper.
Today I want to thank both my moms, first of all my birth mom for choosing to give me life, when it would have been much easier to just snuff it out. But most of all I want to thank my Mom for seeing me as her own baby girl, and pouring her love on me. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for her. Thank you Mom for all you have done for me. If I would have had the choice as to who to pick for a Mom, I would definitely pick you! Thank you for being my Mom. You two mom's are my heroes!!!